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The mountain bike that does climb mountains

Be the first one to have it in your region

To boldly ride what no man has ridden before…

It opens up a whole new world of mountain routes

Our cycles and tricycles are specifically designed to allow you to climb difficult steep paths that you cannot climb pedaling with your top of the range mountain bike or e-bike. This is done without hampering the ability to descend and to ride long distances. You can also keep up with conventional bicycles in most situations.



  • You can do routes with higher inclination and more accumulated climb with less effort and getting less tired.

  • You can ride all the way up pedaling extreme climbs that you cannot do so with your top of the range mountain bike or e-bike.

  • You can keep up with conventional bicycles in most of the situations in recreational riding.

  • You can ride new routes that you did not ride before because there were climbs where you had to dismount and hike.

  • You can fit it inside of a car or a flat without using tools. The frame is splittable and the wheels can be removed.

The next figure shows a comparison of the level of effort and the time an average cyclist can keep it for a traditional bike and the three wheeled ASCENDU bike.

Percentage collage.jpg

This picture shows unrideable climbs that can be ride with a trike ASCENDU 3x3 by the average cyclist. Note the loose terrain in all except the first two pictures.